Why You Should Consider Being a Student Abroad


Why students should consider becoming international students, and where to start.

Maybe you've been seduced by cities lights of Paris, maybe you’ve flirted with the idea of researching new animals in the faraway jungles of the Congo. Maybe you are just so done with your parents, and you want a little room to breathe. Whatever the motivation, studying internationally for college is great opportunity to not only experience learning in a new way, but also enhance your cultural knowledge, meet a diverse range of people, gain independence and self-reliance, and try new foods. But mostly try new foods, because c'mon. Food.


Write Your Own Story

On a more serious note, in the competitive society that rules our world today (and if you are applying, or even looking into college, you've experienced it first hand), anything that sets you apart from the next person is something you can use to your advantage. The American school system is very streamlined so it can be hard to break out of the groove that has been set in place for almost a century. However, an often overlooked method of developing your personal resume is to become an international student. An international student is a student that attends a college abroad for the duration of their studies. But let's be real. As easy as it is to read the definition of an international student, it is a whole other ballgame being one. College is a time of new knowledge, friendships, and to experience such an influential time in your life in a new country...well, that's anything but easy. But don't you dare be intimidated! International students are prized and coveted students of universities all over the world, often times increasing the diversity on campus that the staff, students, and institutions benefit from.

It’s All About Ambition

So what does it take to be a part of the population that earned their degrees abroad? Many sources claim that students need to know a second language to study internationally, but with the UK being the second most popular country for international students (with the United States leading), a language barrier is the least of worries. What's more, many colleges abroad (such as Universities in Germany, the Nordic countries, India, and Taiwan) do not charge a tuition. The only costs are a processing fee for the application, and the price of housing, food, and other necessities. So if the language barrier isn't a problem and money is not a prominent issue, what kind of student benefits from an international experience? In short, the type of student that truly benefits from studying international is a student who seizes the day and every opportunity that comes along as well. Becoming an international student is an ambitious feat, so naturally, the student also must be, well, ambitious! To be ambitious in the context of being an international student means consciously seeking opportunities to embrace foreign culture, striving to succeed in a new learning environment, empowering yourself to make smart, important (and sometimes life changing) decisions without the counsel of your parents, and graciously opening yourself up to new people, places, and ideas.


Just Get Off The Couch

At this point, you should be asking yourself, “Am I ambitious? Do I have what it takes to be an international student?” And the honest truth is, the answer to either of the questions above does not have to be “yes”... at least, not yet. Ambition can be an innate trait in people, but often times, ambition is learned. Ambitious people are not always the people who get straight “A”s, or the star athletes of your school. To be ambitious is to set a goal out of your comfort zone, and through trials and tribulations, eventually reach your goal and succeed in an environment you never thought you could. So, since there is no time like the present, start now; be a little more ambitious every day. Raise your hand in class, slay that speech in English class, make friends with the new kid at school, but whatever it is, just keep doing. Every time you pushed yourself to be a more ambitious person will add up, and soon you will be on your way to being an international student, and more importantly, a kick-butt adventure-taking, goal-achieving, all-around-interesting human being. Who could ask for more than that?

In the meantime, evaluate yourself. Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten years? Will studying internationally help you achieve your goals or help you be a better person? And, if the answer is yes, get going! Be ambitious, adventurous, every single thing in between! Use those city lights in Paris as motivation, or those new animals species in the Congo you will someday discover. Heck, if it comes to it, use your parents’ nagging as motivation to get up, and get going. A world of opportunity (and new food) is waiting for you. But mostly food, because c’mon. Food.




The Differences Between US and UK Institutions


As a prospective international student, before starting the applications journey, the prospect of attending a school in the States always felt inaccessible. Coming from the UK, it is fairly standard to attend a university quite close to home; studying abroad for all four years of your higher education is unusual and somewhat unique. Yet over the past few months as I enter my final year of high school, this dream of attending a US institution has become ever more real and very much possible. I always knew the difficulties involved when applying to universities in two separate countries however, the depth needed for American applications in comparison to that of the UK’s is astonishing. As an aid to all those international students dreaming of studying in the States, I have collated a list of the biggest differences between the two to assist you in your college decisions.


1.The emphasis on YOU!

Every college in America wants to get to know you as a person. This is something that really struck me when first researching into the admissions process, everything seemed so personal, each institution wants to know how you will fit as an individual onto their campus.

2.  The focus on extracurriculars 

When applying to an institution in the UK, the applications process will consist of your school grades, one Personal Statement and one school reference; these two components are sent to each University you apply to and that’s it! Of course they care about what you are doing outside of the classroom however be prepared to tell American institutions in full everything you decide to do with your spare time, it is a big focus in the States and very ordinary for your American counterparts.


3.  You are applying to the WHOLE school 

When applying to a US University, if admitted, you are admitted to the whole school. There is no need to apply to a specific course or major; you can decide once you’re in or when applying if you know for certain. For me, this was one of the strangest elements, as UK institutions require an application to one specific course for four years. Personally, I think the US system is much more freeing and if you do decide you have changed your mind on what you want to study, it’s no big deal.

Applying to university can be a scary time for anyone but with the prospect of moving thousands of miles away from home, it is important to know your stuff and do your research before committing to studying abroad. I hope this article has cleared up any confusions prospective international students have on US institutions. With admissions tests, references, school grades and extracurriculars it can be daunting, but with your organisation and dedication who knows where it could take you.



Fresh Place, Fresh Start!: Tips for Studying Abroad Freshman Year


Why wait to study abroad? Here are 10 reasons not to! When you start applying to colleges, you are most likely not thinking about studying abroad right away. Perhaps you have thought about studying in another country at some point in your college career, maybe during your sophomore or junior year. However, you are probably expecting your first semester at a university to be traditional, starting with orientation, move-in day, and adjustment to the typical college life. I am here to tell you that the ordinary freshman year experience is not the only option and not even necessarily the best.


Whether or not you have heard of people studying abroad so early on in their college career, it has become increasingly popular. Northeastern University’s N.U.in program sends students to one of six international locations his/her first semester. The University of Delaware World Scholars Program includes studying abroad freshman year in Rome, Italy or Madrid, Spain. Countless other institutions offer spring admission to their universities as well, with the option of spending the fall semester abroad at one of their partner institutions. There is also always the option of seeking a degree at an abroad university.


When I was applying to colleges, studying abroad first semester had never even crossed my mind. Truthfully, I hardly even knew that it was a possibility. However, I was informed of this opportunity when I was admitted to my top university second semester. I have always loved travelling and knew that I wanted to study internationally at some point during my four years at college, but going abroad my freshman year definitely seemed daunting at first. When I finally enrolled for the spring semester at my university in the United States, I applied to three different colleges abroad where I would potentially spend my first semester and ultimately chose to go to Rome, Italy. I have been here for three weeks so far and have already discovered many of the benefits of studying abroad first semester. Here is a list of the ten things I have learned so far about studying abroad and why I believe you should do so if you can, even your freshman year!


  1. The growth in maturity you experience while studying abroad is impressive. I have already noticed a change in my level of maturity, and I have been in Rome for less than a month. You will find yourself adapting to your new environment every day, and you will grow confident that you can continue to do so while travelling on weekends. If I could learn how to do laundry, cook, and navigate so quickly in Rome, you can too.


  1. Another benefit of studying abroad in a country with a different main language is that you get the chance to practice this language with locals! I took Italian for three years in high school and am taking it again this semester in Rome. Being exposed to Italian speakers every day has helped me immensely in my study of the language. Even my friends who only knew two words in Italian upon their arrival here have improved so much over these past few weeks. If you are really concerned about the language barrier, you are bound to find people who at least speak a little English. Plus, the majority of the music played here is American music, including great throwbacks, which is a major plus.



  1. One of the best parts of studying abroad is the ability to travel on weekends. Living in Europe or on another continent in general for four months makes it much easier to see the places you have dreamed of visiting. Also, when you make friends who want to travel as well, they will often introduce you to new places that you might have never otherwise seen. For instance, two of my friends and I wanted to take a day trip during our second weekend, and one of them found a place called Tivoli in Italy, which was only an hour train ride away, costing a mere two Euros. We went the next day, had a great time, and left with amazing new memories. The chance to be spontaneous in travelling is one of the highlights of studying abroad, and it gives you not only a crazy story but also a sense of independence.


  1. You will find that your sense of direction has improved dramatically within days. Living in a place with different types of roads and fewer street signs, you have to learn to get around somehow early on. Within my first three days here, I learned to find my way around pretty well. Now, having already taken weekend trips, I have realized that this skill has transcended Rome. I am now able to navigate my way through a new town or city within hours.



  1. One of the most enjoyable parts of studying abroad is meeting locals on a daily basis.  They are often very friendly, welcoming, and willing to try to communicate with you. You are bound to have a bunch of local friends on Snapchat by the end of your semester! It is incredibly interesting to live temporarily in the place they have lived their whole lives and to see how this place has shaped them. Don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with them and to practice your language skills! You just might gain an Instagram follow or a Facebook friend in the process.


Like-minded People

  1. When you study abroad, you are introduced to a group of people with whom you are bound to have a lot in common. You will meet people with such interesting stories and will have the opportunity to build strong relationships with them, especially since you will most likely travel with people you meet while abroad.

Crazy Opportunities

  1. You will have such unique opportunities while studying abroad! I can go to class on a Monday afternoon and hang out and enjoy gelato at the Trevi Fountain on Monday night. I was introduced to an app called Scooterino, which is essentially a type of Uber used in Rome. However, instead of picking you up in cars, drivers pick you up and take you to your destination on a vespa. When I had to go to a bookstore to buy my textbooks, I was dropped off on a vespa. It was insane.

*Spontaneity is key. On a Sunday night, I got out of bed to grab a water bottle from a vending machine downstairs when a few girls told two of my friends and I about a music festival taking place down the block. I sprinted to my room, grabbed my purse, and we ran to the festival in our pajamas. We ended up spending the night dancing and singing outside in a piazza next to the Tiber River and making one of our favorite memories so far.


Food :P

  1. You will be exposed to some of the best food in the world while abroad! You can find unique, delectable dishes no matter where you choose to go. Some of the most delicious pizza and pasta are down the street from my apartment. Trust me; I take advantage of this daily. Then, there’s the gelato. Enough said.

On-Site Classes

  1. Another really cool aspect of studying abroad is the chance to take on-site classes. My art history class is based on the art and architecture of Rome and Florence during the Renaissance period, and we get to go as a class to visit the monuments we learn about in class. We even have a mandatory weekend trip to Florence with the class! These classes are not only interesting, but also incredibly informative. The feeling of walking down the streets of your new home, recognizing different buildings, and knowing about their past is nothing short of incredible.

Learning Outside the Classroom

Classes are important, and you should still do your homework, even if you are in another country for the semester. However, I have found that I have learned even more outside the classroom here than I have in my classes. Literally, I have been able to visit and learn about museums and sights like the Coliseum and the Spanish Steps, but I have also learned so much about myself and my ability to adapt to new settings. My confidence has grown in my capability of balancing my time and keeping myself on track in my daily schedule while living on my own in a foreign country. The best part is that these skills I have been developing will surpass my time here and my time in college as a whole. Being thrown into a foreign country, especially when you are a freshman in college, might sound intimidating, but with the help of friends and mentors, you will be in for one of the greatest experiences of your life!



6 Clever Apps That Make Being An International Student Easier


As an international student, transitioning into college or university can be stressful—and that's without the change of climate, culture shock, or language barrier—so here are six savvy hacks to make your international studies easy-breezy!

1.Becoming a money-saving master:

Trying to scrounge up a few extra dollars for the next lunch of Raman noodles is the sad reality of most college student's lives, but lucky for you, keeping track of your money couldn't be easier.

Mint, an app available for free on iOS, Android or desktop, easily connects to your bank account to manage all aspects of your activity, including spending, savings, earnings and budgeting. (They also update a cheeky, informative blog called MintLife for all your financial/lifestyle questions).

This well-trusted app also determines your spending habits and can alert you whenever you're nearing your budget limit, keeping your credit in line and extra cash in your hand.

2.Knowing your way around the city like a pro:

Navigating through a brand new area, especially a large place like California or New York, can be intimidating and downright irritating. But how do all of those other people get around so quickly? Easy; they know the ins and outs of the city, and soon you will too. Google Maps is a great GPS tool for newbies, but knowing the city is about more than just recognising the street names—It's about discovering the local shops and attractions, as well.

Like A Local, a free app, is exactly what the title claims to be. This handy app tells you what the locals' favourites are around your area. Now you can let yourself explore while staying away from those tricky tourist attractions.

3.Getting the best value for your buck:

Even with the confusion of foreign currency, you'll be the best sale-scavenger around if you utilise one of the most accessible, underrated tools out there: coupons. I'm not talking about your grandma's $1.00 off Dish Soap discounts, either. How does up to 85% off your retail purchase sound? Sounds like my wallet is yelling, "hallelujah!"

Apps and websites like Yowza and Groupon offer sales that can save you big time, and here's how it works—Just type in the store/item you're looking for into the search bar, and the app will give you a selection of coupon codes to enter into the 'discount' section on your chosen store's website.

There are also coupon apps that offer digital discounts that allow you to save your chosen coupon, then present it on your phone at the check out in-store. Just like Grandma, except more $$ saved and it's much more convenient.


4.Effortlessly keeping on track with your priorities:

Organising any priorities for the day should be a habit that any university student utilises—especially international students. Within the hectic mixture of moving, having new classes, meeting new friends, and all the other struggles that non-international students don't have, a to-do list is a must. The easiest way to keep track of your assignments, or whatever else you need to do, is to remind yourself. Sound's simple, right? It is. With technology, to-do lists have been modernised into something that's reliable and simple, and it's never been easier to remember things.

My personal favourite for this specific task is Wunderlist; Wunderlist is an app (plus it's available for download to your desktop!) that helps you organise your busy life in a minimalistic, trustworthy fashion.

5.Acing your classes with flying colours:

The reason you even became, or are thinking of becoming, an international student is because of the education opportunities, right? You should make sure that your class marks stay in tip-top shape by using Evernote.

If you had to pick only one of the apps listed , Evernote should be the one you choose. It's the smooth-running, multitasking king of organisation, equipped with note taking, bookmarking, online chat with other students, to-do lists, and more!


So whether discovering convenient, local shops is your forte, or if you're more of a study-on-the-go type of person, hopefully you can find some great resources within these top six apps! Good luck on your journey to a new life, and don't forget to let us know in the comments if you've ever tried one of these apps!