3 Foolproof Organization Methods for Students


Organization is paramount to success both inside and outside of school. By planning and organizing, students can begin to budget their time in a way that is productive and manageable. However, the struggle for many students is not whether or not they should be organizing, but it is exactly how they should be organizing. 

Organization Method #1: Bullet Journaling

One organizational method that has become increasingly popular recently is the Bullet Journal System. Many students choose to adopt this system due to its flexibility and customizability.

A bullet journal is basically anything that you want it to be. Choose any notebook that you fancy, and go from there. The most standard and useful way to organize the Bullet Journal for students is to create a Yearly, Monthly, and a Weekly log to track all of your tasks as they come up. For a more in-depth description of the Bullet Journaling System, read this article on the system: Mastering Organization: Bullet Journals. Or you can visit the creator of this system’s website here: bulletjournal.com

This system is perfect for the student that has tried other organization systems but has not been able to find a system to fit his or her unique needs. With the bullet journal, you don’t feel obligated to make a to-do list every day like you would in a daily planner. Instead, you can customize the system to fit your wants and needs. While it does take some time to set up initially, everyday use afterward is easy to maintain. If you are a busy student who likes to have the flexibility to switch things up, while still having a contained and organized place to plan, this system may be for you.

Organization Method #2: Google Calendar

Another organization/planning system that is extremely practical for the modern student is to utilize a digital calendar. One of the most flexible and user-friendly forms of digital planning is Google Calendar.

Anyone with a Gmail account, which is free to set up, has access to Google Calendar. Simply log into your account and type calendar.google.com into your browser, or download the app on a smartphone.

Google Calendar is a great system, as since it is through Google, you are able to access your planner on any device by simply logging into your Gmail account. This ensures that no matter where you are, you are able to manage and record your tasks so that you do not forget anything. This method is also very user-friendly, as all you have to do is click the “Create” button to add any event, which can be at any point in the near or very distant future. Another great feature is that you can have the calendar send you reminders as your deadline, event, or task approaches, as well as share events with other people. This is great for students. For example, if you are in a group project, you can share deadlines and meeting times with your group mates right through the calendar.

This system is perfect for the student who always seems to forget to check their pen and paper planner or even utilize it at all. It is arguably even more flexible than the bullet journal, as it even allows you to move events and tasks around the calendar with a few clicks. Overall, it is a great way for students to remain organized and keep on top of their tasks.

Organization Method #3: The Classic Planner

If none of these methods appeal to you, a classic planner may be the one for you. A classic planner is one that usually gives you 12-16 monthly layouts, accompanied by weekly or daily layouts that allow you to record your tasks.

The pro to this system is that you don’t have to do much work when it comes to the setup of this system, as it is already done for you. Some popular planners utilized by students include, but are not limited to, the Erin Condren and Day Designer planners. These are great if you want a planning system with a pre-determined template. However, one of the downsides to this system is that planners can run very expensive. Yet, if you are committed to planning and know you will stick to this system, it’s a well-worth investment.

Overall, this system is best for the student who wants a standard layout that he or she can depend upon day-by-day and month-by-month. It is also a plus that the various designs of many planners are very aesthetically pleasing!

The best organizational system is one that works for you. Let me know in the comments if you use any of these systems, or if you utilize a different one!

If you want to read further about organization from a student’s perspective check out this YGITW article!